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Building Update – Fundraising Launched


You will see the scaffolding support is still in position and continues to restrict movement and access. The subsidence dictates that this remains in position to slow the movement and subsequent damage to our 130-year-old building. We are continually monitoring the structure and measuring movement for safety and risk. As per previous updates we are still searching for funding and a solution to the problem.

As part of our risk management strategy and to minimise any possible impact, we have restricted use of the building over the summer months. It is our intent to limit the number of Memberships again for 2023 in recognition of the problem. The
membership policy will be amended and updated with numbers and methodology we will apply to applicants.

We have continued to move forward with three possible routes to ensure we have a home: 

First to completely rebuild (drawing and plans displayed) that delivered our needs for day-to-day use but also allowed more facilities for the community and partners. With hikes in interest rates and a market that has become extremely nervous the costs of delivering this has become unrealistic. 

Second for rebuilding with two apartments for rent on the first floor and this is still an option and you will see the figures on the business plan and we do have a set of drawings and design ready for funding. This would be a longer term project.

The third (and preferred) bid is with the Governments Homes and Communities Department for the refurbishment of the building. If this is successful, we would need to deliver the work programmes within a 12 month period. While this absolutely saves the building it would mean that there would be no access to the building for 12 months. Any members, the public and partners could not use the property, and this is important in your decision making when applying for in membership 2023. 

The green will remain open and safe from building works whichever option we take via screening and safety barriers, shelters and facilities would be in situ.

2023 Membership Packages

Current membership for 2022 will run until the end of the year, from January 1st 2023 we will be introducing the following membership categories. 

£25 – Full Bowling Membership

Full use of bowling green during the season (March – Sept) and full use of clubhouse facilities throughout the year.

£20 – Social Member – Aged 18-66

Full use of clubhouse facilities throughout the year. Social members are welcome to attend our free beginner bowling sessions on Saturday mornings and can upgrade to a full bowling membership at any time.

£15 – Social Member – Aged 67 and over

Full use of clubhouse facilities throughout the year. Social members are welcome to attend our free beginner bowling sessions on Saturday mornings and can upgrade to a full bowling member at any time.

FREE – Community Membership

Our free community membership embraces the ethos of our club. It is aimed at anyone, regardless of age, who would like to use our facilities at WBC throughout the year but may not be in a financial position to join through one of our paid membership packages. Community members are welcome to attend our free beginner bowling sessions on Saturday mornings and are permitted to bowl at any time when the green is free. Access to our clubhouse is allowed throughout the year. Please note, community membership does not allow the use of our licensed bar to purchase alcoholic drinks. Allocation of community membership is at the discretion of the Directors of WBC CIC.

FREE – Junior Members – 0-18

Junior membership is free of charge for anyone under 18. It allows under 18s access to the bowling green when supervised by an adult (safeguarding policy) or during junior bowling sessions, club events, fitness courses and also access to the clubhouse to purchase non-alcoholic drinks and snacks.

FREE – Other activities available to the community at WBC

Our Digital awareness and training sessions are open to all the community and free to attend – dates and times TBC.

Our allotments are open to all the community but have a long waiting list, please contact grounds committee member.

Our “Call in and Chat” support sessions are open to all the community – dates and times TBC

Supporting Bury Hospice

On Wednesday 17th August Whitefield Bowling Club were delighted to present Bury Hospice with a cheque for £200 as part of ongoing support for the Hospice.

Whitefield Bowling Club is proud to support Bury Hospice and also other local charities including Trust House food bank.

The Director’s of WBCCIC commented;

“We are proud of our continuing record and commitment of redistribution of profit back into supporting our community. We have a long history with Bury Hospice and admire the genuine hard work and support they offer under huge emotional and challenging circumstance. “

“We have also committed £200 to support Katie and the team at Trust House (a safe place to go for food, company and help). In addition we have recently asked our members and friends to recommend six other worthy recipients of £100 donations and will ensure that money is distributed as quickly as possible.”

“We recognise that we could not offer this support without our loyal friends and members who support our club throughout the year. With the current cost of living crisis, we hope we can continue with our 140 year history of being here to lend a hand.”

Pictured below are directors and members of WBC presenting the cheque to Bury Hospice.

(From left – Gary Lee, Karen Winstanley (Bury Hospice) , Les Cropper, Beverley Harper, Phil Berry)

Bury Hospice cheque presentation

Annual General Meeting

Members are invited to attend our first AGM taking place at WBC on Sunday the 11th  September 2022 at 1pm

Under our articles of association and as part of our community commitment, it is important we give you relevant information on our first-year activities, outline our intention for the next year and address any matters that you may have.

You are requested to make any agenda items known to a director or forwarded to our web address prior to the 21st of August 2022. Note: -We will be unable to take or respond to none agenda items on the day.

Proposed Agenda (Directors)

1: Remembering Members and Friends

2: Financial position to Date. Note: – unable to discuss previous year as company was non-existent, current audited year end accounts for 2022 not ready until Jan 2023

3: Community projects delivered and future intent. We would request your ideas and proposals how we as a non profit company can support our community (finance and resources) and deliver a difference

4: Bowling

5: Day to day operations

6: Building and Grant

7: Membership Fees for 2023

Dewsnap Trophy 2022

Thanks to all who came along to compete in this year’s Dewsnap Trophy on Saturday 30th July 2022.

Congratulations to our winners Jo Owen & Tony Martin who beat Phil Challis and Craig Thomas in the final.

Massive thanks to Simon Taylor for a fabulous buffet and for organising the event along with Les Cropper and Col Jack.

Dewsnap Trophy

Chairman’s Cup 2022

The Chairman’s Cup was held at WBC on Saturday 16th July.

Thanks you to everyone who came along to support the event. The weather was great, the green was very fast and we even had some background music courtesy of the concert at Stand All Saints Church.

Dave Booth won the final and lifted the Chairman’s Cup, beating Paul Gardner.

Semi-finalists were Simon Taylor and Graham Martin.

Huge thanks to Bev Harper and Matt O’Neil for organising and running the event and providing the hot buffet.

Chairman's Cup

Spring Update – Clearance and New Stores

Over the last months we committed to clearing 128 cubic meters of soil and vegetation to our rear alley. The work was carried out over three weeks with a borrowed plant (thanks Steve) and a never ending series of waste skips. Once clear and level with our volunteers we poured two concrete rafts (again at cost) in order erect the two new concrete buildings now in situ. This whole exercise was labour intensive and perhaps the largest cost we have experienced in recent years.

Our number one priority given the subsidence and condition of the building is to capture funds to start the build of our intended club house and community facilities. Our strategy and need dictated that we must make arrangements for continuity when the existing building starts to come down, we need accommodation to store furniture, our belongings and to house the bowling teams and members, hence the two new buildings.

It is our intent to erect a third building that will be the bowling and members area but that is on hold at present as  funding we were promised from Bury MBC did not materialise.

We will keep you updated on all matters and issues, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

WBC Members & Friends – We Need Your Help!

Whitefield Bowling Club has recently applied for a grant from Bury MBC under the Let’s Do It Together strategy.

The strategy aims to provide financial support to community groups to launch initiatives to help improve the quality of life for our communities. More information on the strategy can be found here.

The grant we have applied for will help support our annual distribution of food and gifts to members, friends and neighbours and also help launch our digital awareness sessions for the local community.

Our seasonal reach out programme to distribute food and festive gifts to members, friends and their neighbours has continued for over 30 years. With the added impact of Covid and recent hikes in gas prices, it has become even more important than ever to ensure we reach out to the community and offer support.

To build on our reach out programme, we are also looking to open our premises at least twice a week in the afternoon throughout the winter and encourage the community to call in, have a cup of tea and a biscuit, enjoy the warmth and most importantly talk to people and get out of the house for a few hours.

During these afternoons we will be hosting free, digital awareness sessions, supported by professionals who will be on hand to show visitors how to use mobile phones, laptops and tablets to stay in touch with friends and family by setting up email or social media accounts and using the internet to search for cheaper, better value services and contracts. We will also host sessions on the dangers of online fraud, how to protect yourself online and recognise suspicious websites and potential scams.

We are asking members, friends and neighbours to vote online for our bid by visiting the One Community Bury website and then clicking on Whitefield Pitch. You can then vote for 5 bids from the list of proposals which include Whitefield Bowling Club’s.

Votes can also be cast in person on Sunday 12th December from 2pm – 4pm at The Elms Community Centre, Green Lane, Whitefield, M45 7FD. THIS EVENT HAS NOW BEEN CANCELLED – PLEASE VOTE ONLINE

Thank you for your continued support, please share this post with family and friends to raise awareness of our bid and also our festive plans and winter afternoon sessions.

Vote Now!