You will see the scaffolding support is still in position and continues to restrict movement and access. The subsidence dictates that this remains in position to slow the movement and subsequent damage to our 130-year-old building. We are continually monitoring the structure and measuring movement for safety and risk. As per previous updates we are still searching for funding and a solution to the problem.
As part of our risk management strategy and to minimise any possible impact, we have restricted use of the building over the summer months. It is our intent to limit the number of Memberships again for 2023 in recognition of the problem. The
membership policy will be amended and updated with numbers and methodology we will apply to applicants.
We have continued to move forward with three possible routes to ensure we have a home:
First to completely rebuild (drawing and plans displayed) that delivered our needs for day-to-day use but also allowed more facilities for the community and partners. With hikes in interest rates and a market that has become extremely nervous the costs of delivering this has become unrealistic.
Second for rebuilding with two apartments for rent on the first floor and this is still an option and you will see the figures on the business plan and we do have a set of drawings and design ready for funding. This would be a longer term project.
The third (and preferred) bid is with the Governments Homes and Communities Department for the refurbishment of the building. If this is successful, we would need to deliver the work programmes within a 12 month period. While this absolutely saves the building it would mean that there would be no access to the building for 12 months. Any members, the public and partners could not use the property, and this is important in your decision making when applying for in membership 2023.
The green will remain open and safe from building works whichever option we take via screening and safety barriers, shelters and facilities would be in situ.